Protecting Prostate Health

The prostate is a small gland at the bottom of the bladder that surrounds the urethra. The urethra is the tube from which urine and semen are excreted. The prostate produces the prostatic fluid in which semen travel. The major afflictions of the prostate are:

  1. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BHP) – BPH is the gradual enlargement of the prostate. BPH in itself is uncomfortable and not generally dangerous, but it must be properly diagnosed to ensure it is not prostate cancer. BPH occurrence is hormonal in cause, occurring when testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone, which causes an excess of prostate cell growth, leading to enlargement. Retained urine volume due to BPH can lead to prostatitis (see below), and kidney damage can result if bladder obstruction is not treated.
  2. Prostatitis – Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate, which can be caused by infection or by hormonal changes.
  3. Prostate Cancer– Cancer affecting the prostate is one of the leading causes of cancer death in men. Incidence of prostate cancer is related to aging, affecting men over 50, with rates increasing further with age. Survival rates for prostate cancer are good with early detection (99.3%).

Lifestyle Suggestions for BPH Sufferers
Ailments of the prostate, such as BPH are heavily impacted by lifestyle choices, such as diet and activities. To reduce BPH incidence or symptoms, consider these suggestions:

  • Consume more unprocessed foods like whole grains, vegetables, fruits and nuts
  • Stop smoking cigarettes
  • Avoid or reduce alcohol, dairy products, caffeine and sugar
  • Exercise regularly (including relaxation exercises like meditation, yoga or tai chi for 10 minutes a day)
  • Keep cholesterol levels low
  • In the case of BPH, avoid fluids after 7:00 pm

Prostate Screening
All men over 50 and any men with BPH symptoms should consult their health professional regarding prostate health. The traditional test for prostate health is a rectal exam conducted by your doctor to feel for enlargement. A blood test called a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test may also be used. Recently, PSA tests have come under concern for accuracy, because of high rates of both false-positive and missed incidences of cancer. The test is still considered useful as a warning sign for those with a PSA score over 10, which then requires further testing by a specialist.

Many men with BPH do not have any signs or symptoms. If symptoms develop, it’s most often in men older than 50 and by age 70, almost all men will have some prostate enlargement.1 BPH is the enlargement of the prostate, usually due to age-related hormone changes. An enlarged prostate interferes with the urethral canal, upsetting urinary functions. If you’re a male with the following difficulties, you may be experiencing the symptoms of BPH:

  • Increasingly frequent need to urinate
  • Nocturia (the need to wake from sleep to urinate)
  • Burning pain during urination
  • Weak or dribbling urine flow
  • Inability to fully empty the bladder

Be sure to consult with your health professional, who can conduct tests to confirm your condition. There are prescription drugs available that have shown the ability to reduce BPH symptoms within 6-12 months while also reducing the size of an enlarged prostate. These drugs, such as Proscar®, can have unwanted side-effects, including decreased sexual desire, impotence and breast pain.2 Your health professional may recommend a number of natural ingredients, which have gained attention for alleviating the symptoms of BPH without adverse effects.

Immediate & Long-Term Prostate Health

Health First Prostate Protect Supreme was formulated with immediate and long-term prostate health in mind. For fast relief of BPH urinary difficulties, Prostate Protect Supreme contains a combination of nature’s most effective plant-based ingredients, such as phytosterols, saw palmetto, pumpkin seed oil, rye pollen extract and nettle root. To help prevent the development of more serious prostate conditions, Prostate Protect Supreme contains lycopene, selenium, vitamin D and Flowens® cranberry powder. In clinical trials, Flowens® has shown significant improvements in lower urinary tract symptoms in men over 45.3 These functions make Prostate Protect Supreme one of the most complete prostate formulas available!

Prostate Protect Supreme features:

  • Clinically-researched natural ingredients
  • Contains Flowens® cranberry powder, made from Canadian-grown cranberries.
  • No dangerous side-effects
  • Most men will begin experiencing some relief from BPH in the first week; we recommend taking Prostate Protect Supreme twice daily for three months for full effect.

What to expect from Prostate Protect Supreme?

  • Reduced frequency of urination
  • Reduced nocturia (need to wake for urination)
  • Reduction of burning pain during urination
  • Improved/strengthened urine flow
  • Improved ability to fully empty the bladder
3. World J Urol. 2016 Mar;34(3):419-24 – PubMed
Health First® Prostate Protect Supreme

About the Author: Health First Network


Health First Network is Canada’s leading membership group for independent health & wellness retailers and the exclusive supplier of the premium Health First supplement brand. There are over 140 independently owned and operated retail Members across the country. Click here to learn more about Health First.